
As digital designer at Marigold, I'm responsible for ensuring brand continuity and quality design across creative deliverables for global events, growth marketing, customer marketing, account-based experiences, and various other Marigold teams. My task is to support Marigold's marketing needs by creating engaging designs that effectively engage our target clients.

In the year that I've been at Marigold, I've helped navigate a brand shift to a whole new single brand, Marigold, from the 7 individual branded products that make up Marigold's email marketing solutions portfolio. The fun and challenge of designing for the new brand has been helping to establish more specific look and feel from the more general brand kit we received to work with. Things like mockup styles, graphic illustrations and brand shape usage have all been part of our teams ongoing work to continue to more clearly define the brand as more needs present themselves. The faux brands I created were a fun project to upgrade our faux brand mockup examples to a more Marigold-esque style.

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